At Lifestyling we offer advertising and sponsorship opportunities for relevant businesses in the design, decor and lifestyle categories.
As an independent publication, we rely entirely on advertising to fund our platform. Integrity is important to us, as is the experience of our reader, and so we vet our advertisers and ensure they offer a product or service that adds positive value to our audience. For more on our “conscious capitalism” philosophy read our profile on the About page.
In terms of advertising, we offer advertisement banners on our website. Sponsored content is also available, both in the form of an advertorial and social media or we can chat about bespoke content sponsorship opportunities, should you be interested in sponsoring one of our sections or a new content series that fits with our offering.
Audience Profile
The Lifestyling reader is style-conscious.
They are erudite, curious, cultured, savvy and have an opinion.
They are advocates of conscious capitalism, believing in a considerate and considered lifestyle.
The Lifestyling reader is an innovator, tastemaker, influencer and collaborator.
They seek authentic connection: real news, opinions, inspiration. This is evident in the over 5-page views-per-unique-user ratio of the site**.
They are well-travelled (even from the comfort of their favourite armchair during lockdown), well-read, and know a bit (often more than a bit) about politics, fashion and art.
The Lifestyling reader can be found in the higher LSMs, in major urban cities. They have significant disposable income (with 40% of our readers in the R71k per month household income bracket*) and are willing to pay for quality. And if they don’t, they’re certainly well connected to people that do!
They are champions of painstaking artisanal skills; collectors of local design; and procurers of style that is rooted in quality, detail and consideration for people and the planet.
The Lifestyling reader actively and continually shapes the aesthetic that surrounds them. They understand the value of living in a good space.
There are, to date, over 11500** unique readers of Lifestyling.
*Mailchimp survey Jan 2021
**Google Analytics Jan 2021
Please get in touch with J-P de la Chaumette, our Publisher, to request our ratecard. He’s contactable on or 072 073 7200. We look forward to chatting.